Updated: April 11, 2024 8:10am

Promotion Priority

If multiple promotions are active, the promotions will be applied in priority order. By default, this is the order in which the promotions were originally defined. 
To change the priority order, click the Priorities button on the bottom menu of the main Promotions screen.
Select a Promotion in the list and then use the buttons to move the promotion to the desired position in the order. In the example shown below, MYPROMO has the highest priority and QUANTITY has the lowest.
Filtering the Priority List by Group or Status
A retailer may have dozens or hundreds of promotions defined. When setting the Priority, you can filter the list of displayed promotions to display only promotions in a selected Promotion Group or Date/Time Status.

Enter a Specific Priority 
When there are many promotions, it can be easier to enter a specific priority number in the text box than to use the Top/Up/Down/Bottom buttons. Select a promotion in the Priorities modal. Type or select the desired priority in the text box and press The promotion is moved to the specified position in the list.
Gaps in Promotions Priority Numbering
You can ensure that a certain promotion is always processed last by giving the promotion a lower priority than other promotions. For example, if you typically have three promotions, but always want one of the promotions to be processed last, assign that promotion a priority of 10, (with the other two promotions assigned a normal priority of 1 and 2). The gap ensures that the desired promotion is always run last.
Sample Promotion Priorities:

Promotion priorities