Updated: November 28, 2023 1:18pm

Promotions - Item

Item Promotions apply a discount amount, percentage or a specific price to selected items. When the items specified in the Item Filter are placed on the document, they are discounted as configured.
Validation Rules
When setting up the Validation Rules, you should define an Item Filter to specify the items that, when listed on a transaction, will be used to validate the promotion. You can optionally enter the Item Subtotal that must be met. When setting up an Item promotion, the following validation options are also available.

Option Description/Notes
Sale Items On an Item Promotion, the Sale Items checkbox is  automatically selected and is set to read-only. Click the Item Filter button to select the items that will be used to validate the promotion.
Sort Order The Sort Order setting on the Validation Rules screen becomes meaningful only when both these conditions are true:
The eligible items have different prices, or the price of any of the eligible items is changed in a transaction.
Item prices contribute to the promotion validation OR some eligible items may not receive the promotion discount.
Highest: Items with higher prices are prioritized for contribution to the promotion validation. The result could be that fewer items would need to be purchased to meet a subtotal threshold, or that a transaction total is minimized.
Lowest: Items with lower prices are prioritized for contribution to the promotion validation. The result could be that more items would need to be purchased to meet a subtotal threshold, or that a transaction total is maximized.
Item Qty Single item: The promotion will affect a single item on the promotion.
All items: The promotion will affect all items on the promotion.
Item Subtotal Define a Subtotal threshold for the promotion. The promotion will only trigger if the sum of the filtered items meets or exceeds the threshold value defined here.
Coupon Click the Coupon checkbox to define a list of coupon codes; entering one of the codes at POS validates the rule.
Customer Click the Customer checkbox to define a customer filter. If a Bill To customer that matches the entered criteria is entered on the transaction, the rule is validated.

Reward Rules
For an Item promotion, the Reward will be a discount percentage, amount, or a specific price.

Use Cases
Buy Item and receive 10% off

  1. Navigate to the Promotions area and tap or click the New button.     
  2. Enter General Details.  Select Item as the Promotion Type.    
  3. Enter Activation Details.    
  4. On the Validation Details tab, select the items to include in the promotion.    
  5. On the Reward Details tab, enter the discount that will be applied when the selected items are entered.    
  6. Save the changes.