Updated: October 13, 2021 7:41am

Orders Permissions

Permissions related to orders are included under the "POS" set of permissions. In Prism, a transaction can include sale, return, and/or order items. The following table lists the POS permissions directly related to orders. Additional permissions are available in the POS area for things like changing associate, removing line items, voiding tenders, etc.

Permission Description
POS - Allow Negative Order Deposits Allow group members to update a transaction that results in a negative order balance for the customer.
POS - Allow Order Fee Allow group members to add an order fee to a transaction.
POS - Change Order Fulfillment Store Allow group members to fulfill an order at a store different from the store where the order was created.
POS - Close Orders Allow group members to close orders. If not selected, the Close Order button is disabled when viewing order details
POS - Order Item Allow group members to change an item's type to Order
POS - Send Sale Add Item Allow group members to change an item's type to Send Sale
POS - Send Sale Close Allow group members to close send sale orders.
POS - Send Sale Fulfillment Allow group members to fulfill a Send Sale order.
POS - Special Order Add Item Allow group members to add items to special orders.
POS - Special Order - Close Allow group members to close a special order.
POS - Special Order - Fulfill Allow group members to fulfill a special order.