Updated: April 3, 2024 10:37am

Inventory Item Details - Purchasing

Refer to the following table for information about the fields on the Purchasing tab in Inventory Item Details.

Field Description
Order Cost The cost of the item as charged by the vendor. Note: If you are using Trade Discounts (future release), then the Trade Discount % is applied to each applicable item's List Cost to calculate Order Cost. If using Trade Discounts, Order Cost is automatically used on purchase orders and vouchers, and vouchers are unable to update an item's Order Cost.
Orderable Date The date when the item can first be ordered. This enables retailers to define new items ahead of time, with the restriction that the items cannot be ordered on Purchase Orders until the Orderable Date.
Discontinued Date The date after which the item can no longer be ordered. This prevents the ordering of items that are being phased out of inventory.
Unorderable If the Unorderable checkbox is selected, the item cannot be listed on Purchase Orders. This is useful for items that are being phased out. The items can continue to be sold but new orders are not allowed.
Minimum Order Qty The minimum number of units that can be entered on a purchase order.
Case Quantity The number of individual units that comprise a single case, carton, or other form that enables the sale of multiple units to a customer.
Units/Case The number of individual units that comprise a single case, carton, or other form that enables the sale of multiple units to a customer.
Store Min/Max  
Qty The minimum or maximum number of units to keep on hand.
Ext Cost The item's extended cost at the store Min or Max Qty (Cost x Min or Max Qty).
Ext Price The item's extended price at the store Minor Max Qty (Price x Min or Max Qty).
Ext Price WT The item's extended price with tax at the Min or Max Qty.

Sample Inventory > Item Details > Purchasing tab:
Inventory item details, purchasing tab


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